Links for le weekend


Hey all! I am so ready for the weekend, this week has been a looooong one. But, luckily the weather has been incredible and I’ve had some delicious French pastries to help me make it to the weekend!

I’m hoping to get on the bikes and take a cruise down the Burgundy Canal this weekend…hope to have some pics to share next week! What will you be up to?

If you’re feeling like being on the web, here are a few of my favorite links for the weekend…

I might be packing up a few of these adorable and delicious strawberry shortcake jars from Honestly Yum for our ride down the canal. Perfect.

Last week I was goo goo for Vogue’s Peru spread, this week Love and Cupcakes featured some gorgeous posts of her trip to Peru. Such an amazing place.

Ladies, will you be wearing the one-piece bathing suit trend this summer? Camille Styles rounded up 10 of the best.

My bestie Laura of Style-for Style told me about Smitten Studio a blog sharing a couple’s renovation of a cabin in Northern Michigan on Lake Michigan – swoon. Great style and such pretty pictures of my beloved  Michigan – you’ll want to buy a cabin there too after you see theirs.

For the language lovers out there, if you’re heading abroad this summer these tips about learning a language in a foreign country are not only budget friendly but offer such a great way to really get to know a new place.

**Spoiler Alert ** My reaction to the last episode of Game of Thrones was like yours I’m sure….here’s George R.R. Martin’s reaction to our reaction. Are you reading the books?

Thanks for following along this week! And remember, don’t be shy, join the conversation!

Bon Weekend! Hasta Pronto! See you Monday!


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